
About Me

Born in Ukraine, raised in Nigeria, Polina Buchak is a New York-based filmmaker who aspires to tell stories around the world that are diverse and authentic through the integration of new technologies into traditional filmmaking mediums. Her most recent short film POOL PARTY won many awards, including Best Original Story at Independent Shorts Awards and Audience Choice Award at New Faces New Voices film festival. Recently she was an Associate Producer for documentary AGGIE directed and produced by Emmy-nominated Catherine Gund, which explores the nexus of art, race, and justice through the story of art collector and philanthropist Agnes Gund’s life (premiered at Sundance Film Festival in 2020). A recent graduate of NYU Tisch School of the Arts, Polina currently works as an Associate Producer for Honto88 - having worked with brands and organizations like Movement School, Bibhu Mohapatra, and Planned Parenthood and music artists like Anna Rose and Running Lights.


We Are Moving Stories - with Carmela Baranowska

Kino-teatr.ua - From Ukraine to Hollywood and back

My Kharkov.info - Українська режисерка Поліна Бучак: «Час показати українське кіно всьому світові!»
